October 16, 2023

IT IS HERE!!! The official online payment website for Badger Mountain Irrigation District is now LIVE. PLEASE read thoroughly the instructions below on how to make your payment online through the BMID Website.

MAKE NOTE: You will only be able to pay with Debit or Credit Card through our website. We will not accept Debit or Credit over the phone or in the office.

If payment is not made by the due date, late fees will be applied to your account. If you experience any technical difficulties making a payment, please click on the Technical Support button on the Paystation site where you will be making your payment.

Each transaction will have a convenience fee. Please note the ‘Transaction Total’ before submitting payment.

If your payment does not post by the Due Date for either your Drinking Water or Irrigation Accounts, you will be considered late with additional fees.

Submitted date is the date you submit your payment to Retail Lockbox – Expected date is the date that your payment will post to your account at Badger Mountain Irrigation District. Make sure you make your payment well before the due date so your payment posts to your account on time.

Irrigation and Domestic payments must be made on separate transactions on the front page of the Paystation log-in payment page. Please make sure you input your correct Drinking Water or Irrigation account number before you submit payment. BMID is not responsible for incorrectly submitted payments. If you need to know your correct account numbers, please contact BMID. (Do not use your Parcel number)

If you have any issues with your credit card payment – contact your credit card company for help.

If you have a question about your account, please call (509) 628-0777 Monday through Friday 8:00am – 12:00pm or 1:00pm-5:00pm.

Paystation® is an online payment service that connects billers (companies, municipalities, etc.) with bill payers. Paystation® saves valuable time and hassle for bill payers while drastically reducing printing, paper, postage, and processing costs for billers and payers.

Click here to MAKE PAYMENT

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